Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Quick Little Craft

Hi'ya! In between my busy, busy life at the kiddos school, I managed to fit in a quick little craft. It's real quick, real simple and real cute. Honest. ☺ Just take a look....

 I bought these adorable wood block shapes at a craft store in St. George, Utah. (I love going to Utah for crafts!) The tag on the package said they were supposed to be Easter Eggs. Eh! I thought they were perfect for Candy Corns! And I was right.  I love it that they're a little off-center. (fits in with most of my life ☺)

I bought 3 blocks. Then I went scrounging through my scrapbook papers for candy corn colors...and some little add-on doo-dahs to embellish.

It couldn't have been any more simple than that!  I traced the shapes, cut and used a water-glue solution to make them stick.  And of course, I busted out my hot glue gun for the buttons, ribbons and bows. 

  Here's a look at one of the candy corns.  I decided to take the whole wonky off-kilter angles a step further when I cut the papers. I'm really not the best at adding elements of flair on my own.  I usually prefer to have some instructions. But in cases where I don't, I opt for less embellishments--as to not overwhelm the piece with tons of little doo-dahs.  So, my papers are wonky, the white rick-rack has glitter and the orange bow is shimmery. I like it!
Here's a picture of the middle candy corn.I thought I'd add a little polka-dot to this one, along with some goofy jack-o-lanterns. I'm not sure if you can tell, but the yellow paper I found has a small flowery pattern.
One last picture of all three candy corns all lined up pretty.
I've haven't decided where to put them--in the family room or in our formal living room?

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my candy corns! What are you making for the holidays?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh! I'm Back...and I brought some Salsa to share...

I can't believe the last post I wrote was way back in April! I didn't think it was that long ago...but it was  :o( The good news is I'm back and I brought a yummy craft to share! I scored a great deal on tomatoes (thanks Sara). So, I decided to try my hand at canning salsa. There are tons of canning recipes on the internet so, that made my craft real-super easy. ☺

So, let's get started!

Stuff you'll need:

Canning Salsa Recipe (google and find your favorite)
mason jars--with the metal 2 piece lids
canning stuff (jar funnel, large canning stock pot)

Salsa Ingredients

← Alrighty then. See my jar. See my funnel. It's not just a regular funnel with a tiny opening. It's a canning funnel with a large opening--for filling the jars with yummy things. Yummy things.

And over here on the right → is a picture of the salsa mixture. But, look again. Do you see the yellow-y stock pot with the wires sticking out?  You need one of those for this job.  Now my stock pot is special to me. My Grandma Grace gave this pot to me when I first got married. She called me over one day to show me how to make sweet-garlic pickles. (they're an acquired taste--but that's for another post--remind me later to tell you about sweet garlic pickles...) Anyway, after a day-long lesson on garlic pickles, Grandma Grace gave me her canning supplies. She said she had to pass along the 'know-how' of canning to someone that was interested. So she felt safe giving me her treasured supplies, knowing that I'd take care of them. I would use them. I would always remember her when I use it. And I would pass a piece of her along to my daughter when the time came.  I love that woman. She is everything I hope to be when I'm her age. ♥ Aliright then, on with it...

Hello? Can you say YUM?  I picked a salsa recipe that had few ingredients, but also got high reviews. Because tomatoes are what they are, you have to bring the salsa up to a boil. That was a new one for me. I'm used to make salsa fresh. But in for a penny, I say. So, in my salsa I have tomatoes (duh ☺), red, orange and yellow sweet pepper, a bunch of green onions, garlic, cumin and red pepper flakes.  When you mash it all up, it looks that. You could be finished with it now, but don't stop now. Keep going. The picture on the right shows where you need to stop filling the jar.  Always leave a little wiggle room at the top. About 1/4 inch.
Down there on your left. These are just a couple of jars before I put them in the water bath. You always have to finish your jars in a boiling water bath. The heat helps to seal the flat metal lid to the jar. Suction power.  Screw on the screw-y lids--not super tight, just enough to hold everything together. And over here on the right are the jars--out of the water bath and chillin' upside. I read on another blog to turn the jars upside down--to make sure they seal proper. That tip really works! My jars are sealed tighter than a drum! you have to use the end of a knife to pry open the jar. I did good. 

It's nice to be back in bloggyland. I'm sorry to have stayed away for so long! Thanks for reading my stuff!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh So Springy Wreath!!

Can you believe that Easter is almost here?

The winter stuff is leaving and for the most part, we're getting some lovely spring weather.  I love the changes in the weather--here in Vegas, it seems that we have two types of weather: hot & windy and cold & windy. ☺ Vegas in the springtime is a lovely place to live. The sun doesn't hurt and the breezes are cool. So, in anticipation of all things springy and hopeful, I made this AWESOME  terrifically AWESOME spring wreath.  But, before I show you my wreath of  prettiness, let me show you where I got the beautiful idea. 
From this super sweet friend!! ↑ Her name is Jen. She works at the kiddos school and they LOVE her. They share stories and jokes; she helps them open juice boxes and packages--my kids are sad when she isn't there and so happy when she is. ☺ Say 'HI' Jen!

Aren't you in love with that sparkly, pretty thing? I know, how could you not be!! Jen has a blog where she puts up all kinds of clever and adorable little treasures. There's a link over on the right under 'Oh So Pretty Places', called Jen's Place. Go check her out!! She loves new visitors ☺.

So, what's does my wreath look like, you wonder? Well, just you look.

Doesn't it make you smile? I my newest wreath!  Bright colors, Easter eggs and lots of sparkly fluffy stuff. It's almost too much! In fact, it was so much that I made 2! One for me and one for my mom next door.  Our street looks fantastic.  (I think my neighbors wants one too!!) Want to make a wreath of springy prettiness too?  Here's how:

  Start out with a grapevine wreath. I used an 18/20 in wreath, but you can use whatever size you choose.

At the craft store (I'll save you time, at Hobby Lobby) are rolls of a special ribbon/mesh called "Foil Mesh". It might also be called "Fabric Mesh with foil". Whatever. Get some!  At the HL, they have it over in the wrapping paper aisle. Weird, 'cuz it's a floral-y thing.

Grab an assortment of little treasures--fake flowers, Easter eggs, little plaques--whatever floats your boat.

  Now, using lengths of about 18 inches of the mesh ribbon--wrap & tie around the wreath.  Keep going around and around.

This is where you can get fancy-pants. Add more ribbon or don't. Hot glue on some colorful eggs too. I found a 'believe' plaque at the Dollar Store (I know!!)  I thought it was a sign that it was meant to be. The colors matched and the message is's a good place to be in the world.

This is one of my very favorite things in April! And what makes it even more special is that I never would have thunk it up on my own--I'm always taken aback by the people I know and the wonderful things they can do...and share. I love to look at it hanging on my door--it reminds me to be hopeful of the 'spring' of everyday life.
  Happy Spring!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh So JellyBeans...

Well, we are in April. March really was the saying 'in like a lion or out like a lamb'. How does that go anyway? Whatever--March is gone. Let's move on like good little crafters..

A couple weeks ago, my good friend and I were talking.  She wanted to know what the crafty thing was I did last year...and after a minute of thinking, I knew what she was talking about. It involved jellybeans and flowers. YUM! So, I told her how to do the pretty little project. And she listened and responded in the right places, but I know this girl. She wasn't paying attention....completely. :)  Finally she said "Just post it on that blog-thing you do--with the directions."  I'm sure is what I thought. I'll get right on it was my next thought. She's so bossy.  And about 1 1/2 weeks later, I finally relented:

←Over here is the tall version of  'jellybean prettiness' and over there →  is the short version of  'jellybean prettiness'.  These are the easiest things to make! In the world!   Es muy simplimente! (oh? didn't know I spoke the Espanole?---Yep! that's what 4 years of High School Spanish will do for you...squat!!) :) HA!

Alrighty then, let me show you how simple these happy vases come together ↓

 ☼ If you're going to make either version of the vase:  Make sure one of the vases will fit into the other vase, leaving a space to put in the jellybeans (or whatever candies) around. 
☼ Buy a styrofoam ball that will fit snuggly in the top of the inside vase. You can leave it whole or cut it half--whichever is your preference.
☼ Decide on what color scheme you're going with and buy flowers. Oh! And also buy about 2-4 bags of jellybeans that compliment your flowers.  It really depends on how big your vases are. I went with pastels.
☼ Hot glue the smaller vase to the inside of the larger vase. Now go ahead and put your jellybeans in the space between.
 ☼Can you see that I have the two different sizes of vases, but they are the same height? And I have a space between them? See that cleverness?
☼ Now you can cut and arrange the flowers inside the styrofoam ball.
☼ And all that is left to do is fill the space between with pretty jellybeans. Fill, fill, fill all the way to the tippy top.

☼ I put a frou-frou bow around the tallest vase. But you don't have too. I like frou-frou every once in awhile. It makes me smile. ☺

Pink Prettiness!!
 And there you have it! Presto!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Luckiness....

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!

This past week was busier than I had originally planned, so I'm posting this sweet little treat late. BUT I think its okay and you can use this little gem of an idea to build on...yeah, like a building block of bloggy giving. Let's go with that. :)

I made up some "pots of gold and green" for my son's class for St. Patrick's Day. And this is how I did it:

 ←Pop up 2 regular size bags of your favorite popcorn. Put it in a big bowl.  Next, you have to make up a yummy concoction of white sugar, brown sugar, water, green food dye, vinegar (weird? huh?  I know, I thought so, too!) and some butter. If you want an official recipe of the mess in the pot, then go to this nifty spot and do a looksy for red/green popcorn.  She's got some pretty pictures and everything!!

I'm sort of impatient (just a little), so the hardest part of the whole thing was waiting for the thermometer to reach 260 degrees. DON'T miss this step. If you rush it, the entire journey is fraught with disaster! I mean it! Sip on a Diet Coke for a minute and be patient for it inch up to 260...

←See that darn blue line...just hovering around the 200's? I'll tell you now: I had words with the thermometer. I did. And then I sipped on my Diet Coke...and I was okay again. Once the waiting is over, you have to be a little nimble and careful. That green mess is HOT, HOT, HOT!

Alright then, here we go: Once the butter is melted, you've got to pour the HOT green mess all over the popcorn without getting it on your fingers. This takes finesse and skill--absolutely don't look away to the TV when its playing a commercial of the upcoming Hawai'i 5-0 show. No, don't do that. So, carefully avoiding a trip to the ER, spread out the greeny popcorn on a cookie sheet. And let it cool completely. You will be tempted to taste your new popcorn. I would indulge. Because honestly, once the little people know its available, you won't see it. They will gobble it up. Fast like a Leprechaun, they will! :)
After the popcorn is cool to handle you can bag it up all fancy and pretty. That's what I did.  I found some green cups and clear cellophane bags and matchy ribbons. I scooped and tied and delivered the little treasures to class! I think they were a hit because when I poked my head in his class later that day there wasn't a kernel left! Sweet Success
You could definitely change the color of the sugar syrup for any season/holiday. Just think of the pretty-ness you could make for Easter with purples and pinks! Or for the 4th of July? Red, White and Blue? Awesome! Let me know if you plan to try making some pretty popcorn....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh So Lucky...

Ta-Dah! I'm feeling a little special tonight. A wee bit lucky too. I'm up to 4 (yeah, I said 4) real-live people followers on my blog!! It's a real cat-in-the-cream kind of face I've got tonight. :)  Hi'ya to my newest follower:  Crafty Girls!  So, you other 3 faithful and loyal readers of me--go look at this awesome stuff.  The things in this lady's head must be so pretty. She has some real and true wonderful things on her blog. Just go see. Do it. You'll love me for it, I promise. :)

What else have I got, you ask? Oh, I'm not just good for crafty links. I've got stuff going on. I'm thinking about Spring-y stuff. Shamrocks and clovers (I thought that was a song--but that's crimson, I think), bunnies and Easter Egg Hunts....and of course, trouncing my neighbors in our unofficial house decorating contests. So, here's my first move in the unofficial contest:

This happy wreath is going on my door this weekend.  I'll admit, I don't have tons of St. Patrick's Day decorations. I don't even have a good reason why. I just don't. But I'm going to fix that problem this year. Starting with a wreath...and then I'll move on to other bigger and better things.  Baby steps.

I'm always surprised by the neat little treasures I find at the Dollar Store. The Shamrock sign was my treasure this week.  I'm mounting it sort of willy-wonky (that's a real craft term--well, it should be if I ran the world!) on the wreath. And here's another thing: I couldn't find any shamrock flowers! What's with that weird-ness?  I had to settle for white carnations and light green poesy flowers.  But I'm okay with it.  It works for me. And I'm happy with the final product. And that's no blarney.....hehehe!!

What kinds of wonderful things are you ladies up to?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh so "Paw"-some!

happy valentine's day!!!

Today is a sweet day. Or at least it should be. I think. My kids love the Valentine's Day. Now that they're older, they have such a good time deciding what Valentine to give what kids in their class. Its a funny thing to watch. My daughter is older, so the 'boy thing' is a serious dilemma.  The Valentines can't be too gushy or say ANYTHING about love....and my son is just figuring out that girls exist. This is the first year that he actually cared what his Valentines said. (and he spent an extra minute trying to figure out which Valentine to give Alex and Reese) So cute!!

I made these sweet little gifts for the kids' teachers at school. They were super-duper simple. You just need a little clip-art know-how and a paper cutter....and wah-la!

 I loved this little gift so, so much that I made a few of them.  yeah, maybe about 100. I tend to get carried away with the cute-ness. Another mom on the PTSO board helped me get coupons from a local yogurt shop. FREE frozen yogurt! How yum is that? TOTALLY

So, I made a cover for the coupon (with a cut-out window). I wrapped it around the coupon--it says "U Swirl our world with sweetness...Happy Valentine's Day"

I found the picture frame card holder clips in the bargain aisle at Michaels.
 I bargains~~
I used the clip-art stuff in my Word program and cut out paw prints. (the school Mascot is a Wolf--so paw prints...) 
 Then you tie a bow in the middle.

Here's a picture of the gifts in the teacher's boxes. 
Oh So Happy!
I hope you have a sweet Valentine's Day today!