Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Luckiness....

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!

This past week was busier than I had originally planned, so I'm posting this sweet little treat late. BUT I think its okay and you can use this little gem of an idea to build on...yeah, like a building block of bloggy giving. Let's go with that. :)

I made up some "pots of gold and green" for my son's class for St. Patrick's Day. And this is how I did it:

 ←Pop up 2 regular size bags of your favorite popcorn. Put it in a big bowl.  Next, you have to make up a yummy concoction of white sugar, brown sugar, water, green food dye, vinegar (weird? huh?  I know, I thought so, too!) and some butter. If you want an official recipe of the mess in the pot, then go to this nifty spot and do a looksy for red/green popcorn.  She's got some pretty pictures and everything!!

I'm sort of impatient (just a little), so the hardest part of the whole thing was waiting for the thermometer to reach 260 degrees. DON'T miss this step. If you rush it, the entire journey is fraught with disaster! I mean it! Sip on a Diet Coke for a minute and be patient for it inch up to 260...

←See that darn blue line...just hovering around the 200's? I'll tell you now: I had words with the thermometer. I did. And then I sipped on my Diet Coke...and I was okay again. Once the waiting is over, you have to be a little nimble and careful. That green mess is HOT, HOT, HOT!

Alright then, here we go: Once the butter is melted, you've got to pour the HOT green mess all over the popcorn without getting it on your fingers. This takes finesse and skill--absolutely don't look away to the TV when its playing a commercial of the upcoming Hawai'i 5-0 show. No, don't do that. So, carefully avoiding a trip to the ER, spread out the greeny popcorn on a cookie sheet. And let it cool completely. You will be tempted to taste your new popcorn. I would indulge. Because honestly, once the little people know its available, you won't see it. They will gobble it up. Fast like a Leprechaun, they will! :)
After the popcorn is cool to handle you can bag it up all fancy and pretty. That's what I did.  I found some green cups and clear cellophane bags and matchy ribbons. I scooped and tied and delivered the little treasures to class! I think they were a hit because when I poked my head in his class later that day there wasn't a kernel left! Sweet Success
You could definitely change the color of the sugar syrup for any season/holiday. Just think of the pretty-ness you could make for Easter with purples and pinks! Or for the 4th of July? Red, White and Blue? Awesome! Let me know if you plan to try making some pretty popcorn....

1 comment:

  1. Very cool idea Janise!
    I love that you made it green and served it in those cute cups. You are always making the neatest stuff :) Thanks for sharing the cool idea!
