Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today's a Sunday

I've been up all night, off and on. the hubby has been sick...with most likely food poisoning of some kind.  I'm a little tired, but don't want to be lazy because I do have things to do.  Like what?  The Laundry. Yeah, I know.  If you know one thing about me, its that I absolutely DO NOT love the laundry.  I've been known to start a load and leave it sit for 3 days! Then I have to rewash it. But I forget that second load of the first load and I have to rewash again.  Laundry and I struggle to find a common ground. But, once the laundry is done, I do have very clean clothes. :)

The boy is a Cub Scout. He loves it!! I have patches to sew on his new uniform. These scouts are very serious about where the patches go and how they get there. They have measurements and everything! For reals, true. So, I'm going to bust out my mad sewing skills and nail these patches on. I am.

I'm thinking about Christmas already. Too soon? Not for me. I love the Christmas! I like making gifts and wrapping and giving. I can't decide what "the gift" is this year. Maybe I'll post my ideas and let everyone weigh in. Maybe not. I usually like my own opinion. We'll see. :)

Well, enough of the writing of nonsense. I have things to do and people to scratch that, reverse that....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to BloggyLand

Um, well, hello. I suppose.  Is it weird to welcome myself to a land that I created? Probably so. I'm thinking it might tickle the toes of a tiny narcissistic gnome--especially if people begin to read my babble. But, really now. I wouldn't be a very good host if I didn't invite some friends over once in a while.  I'm guessing this is the place that I can write down the stuff I think about in my head--my gnome-y thoughts as it were.

I guess we'll just see where this one goes. :)