Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Quick Little Craft

Hi'ya! In between my busy, busy life at the kiddos school, I managed to fit in a quick little craft. It's real quick, real simple and real cute. Honest. ☺ Just take a look....

 I bought these adorable wood block shapes at a craft store in St. George, Utah. (I love going to Utah for crafts!) The tag on the package said they were supposed to be Easter Eggs. Eh! I thought they were perfect for Candy Corns! And I was right.  I love it that they're a little off-center. (fits in with most of my life ☺)

I bought 3 blocks. Then I went scrounging through my scrapbook papers for candy corn colors...and some little add-on doo-dahs to embellish.

It couldn't have been any more simple than that!  I traced the shapes, cut and used a water-glue solution to make them stick.  And of course, I busted out my hot glue gun for the buttons, ribbons and bows. 

  Here's a look at one of the candy corns.  I decided to take the whole wonky off-kilter angles a step further when I cut the papers. I'm really not the best at adding elements of flair on my own.  I usually prefer to have some instructions. But in cases where I don't, I opt for less embellishments--as to not overwhelm the piece with tons of little doo-dahs.  So, my papers are wonky, the white rick-rack has glitter and the orange bow is shimmery. I like it!
Here's a picture of the middle candy corn.I thought I'd add a little polka-dot to this one, along with some goofy jack-o-lanterns. I'm not sure if you can tell, but the yellow paper I found has a small flowery pattern.
One last picture of all three candy corns all lined up pretty.
I've haven't decided where to put them--in the family room or in our formal living room?

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my candy corns! What are you making for the holidays?